Taylor Slept Through Getting ROBBED!

Taylor Slept Through Getting ROBBED!

Remember that one thing that got stolen from you that you’re still salty about? Destiny & Taylor share what they never got back!

Some things need to be banned from talking about at the family dinner table… Listeners chime in!

Can you believe love at first sight is scientifically proven?! Find out what 6 signs to look for!

Don’t Get a Pregnant Woman THIS!

Don’t Get a Pregnant Woman THIS!

Move over mushy, cliché proposals… Pants down proposals are IN! Find out what guy did in ‘Trending with Taylor!’

Sometimes the best gift ideas are a FLOP! Listeners chime in on the times that someone reacted poorly to a gift they gave.

There are certain moments that make you stop and realize… I’m getting OLD. Destiny & Taylor share what old people behaviors they catch themselves doing!

Your Relationship is DOOMED If You Got This for Valentine’s Day…

Your Relationship is DOOMED If You Got This for Valentine’s Day…

Stressed without Valentine’s Day plans? Destiny & Taylor share how you should celebrate the holiday based on your zodiac sign!

Have a problem that you can’t solve on your own? Email thosegirls@kzia.com for ‘Dear Destiny!’ Destiny and listeners help a fella out with a bit of a sweating problem.

Hopefully you didn’t get your significant other one of these three things for Valentine’s Day… Find out the gifts that bring the WORST energy to a relationship!

Destiny’s Losing It – She Found Her First GRAY HAIR!

Destiny’s Losing It – She Found Her First GRAY HAIR!

Usher has barely stepped off the Vegas Super Bowl stage and there’s already prop bets for next year’s performer?! Find out who’s the most likely in ‘Trending with Taylor!’

Destiny is on the brink because she found her first gray hair. Listeners chime in with their own experiences and how they handled it!

Travis and Taylor are social media official! Destiny and Taylor decide whether or not you HAVE to make it Facebook official these days.

She Does WHAT With a Spoonful of Sour Cream?!

She Does WHAT With a Spoonful of Sour Cream?!

Destiny may need to move in to Taylor’s apartment to help her tattletale to her landlords to make some cash!

Destiny conquered her fear of going to the gym with a man for the first and maybe last time… IF he can’t get past her grunting.

What’s that one food you eat straight out of the jar, by the spoon and hope that nobody else is watching? Listeners chime in!

You Won’t Believe What Destiny Bought for Herself on Her Birthday

You Won’t Believe What Destiny Bought for Herself on Her Birthday

There’s only one thing better than the Super Bowl… The Puppy Bowl! And there are Iowa pups representing this year!

Need some fun facts to spit at your gameday party? Spencer from 1600ESPN tests Destiny & Taylor’s big game knowledge in Football Trivia!

Donna Kelce herself may be sitting with the fans at the Super Bowl because a suite costs 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS! Find out what’s being served in those suites in ‘Trending with Taylor!’

This Love Story is a LIE

This Love Story is a LIE

Using dating apps is like a full-time job, why not getting a dating assistant? Find out how ChatGPT helped one guy out in ‘Trending with Taylor!’

This is the lowest ranking YET on ‘Rate Ur Date!’

One college professor is giving out extra credit for leaving class dramatically to the saddest song they know!

This Listener Says Dump Your Man Before the Super Bowl

This Listener Says Dump Your Man Before the Super Bowl

Destiny has the most random new dream job – being the voice of the emergency alarm system for Cedar Rapids. Taylor is convinced she could mow a sports field – and that could be a reality?!

Need some advice? Email thosegirls@kzia.com to be part of ‘Dear Destiny!’ Listeners share their advice for this stumped bride-to-be.

If you’re on the dating apps, you HAVE to know about DBL – Digital Body Language. The cues you need to look for are in ‘Trending with Taylor!’

Those Girls Are Headed to Jail

Those Girls Are Headed to Jail

Beware: this ‘Dating Horror Story’ may ruin coffee dates for you for the rest of forever…

You always hear, “aw, you’re just in the honeymoon phase,” but what does that even mean? Listeners chime in on what the honeymoon phase looks like and when you know it’s over!

There’s an awkward period between getting to know someone and officially dating where you have to figure out when you can start leaving stuff at their place… When is the right time?

This is Why Your Hinge Profile Sucks

This is Why Your Hinge Profile Sucks

The big day of love is next week, and if you’re in a fresh relationship or situationship, you need to be aware of this new dating trend! Learn more about “Valentiming” in ‘Trending with Taylor!’

Destiny is convinced true love doesn’t exist anymore after hearing her girlfriends complaining about their significant others. Does venting about your partner to your friends mean your unhappy? Listeners chime in!

Getting older means asking tougher questions sooner in the relationship. Destiny & Taylor discuss when you should you ask those deep questions!